We at Greentech International Co. believe that the architectural designs of any kind have the power to inspire the spirit. We have a deep appreciation for nature and we consume the culture which is a human element to create a unique concept which is visible in each and every project of ours. We are committed to enhancing human experience by turning the ordinary landscapes into memorable experiences.
We appreciate creativity and we value collaboration for problem-solving. The depth and the breadth of our works are unique that left us with experience serve to several diversified projects. We walk in the shoes of our customers to understand how our designs may affect them. We customize our plans and designs to execute high-performing landscape architecture designs and firmly believe in collaboration. Our values have helped us forge many lasting partnerships with clients, artists, consultants working together to build lasting and sustainable landscapes.
Before we design, we go for the site analysis which helps us to understand the language of site, the constraints and limitations are thus understood. Understanding your requirement. Before we propose design for the site, we explore your requirements under following heads Hardscape, Softscape, Water bodies, Lighting scheme Vertical Garden Once we have understood your requirement, our creative design team will work out preliminary design after brainstorming for innovative ideas. Further discussions which takes place during intermediate meeting helps us to develop new and innovative design ideas for the proposed site, thus a new idea is ready to be implemented at the site. A project schedule is accompanied with the proposed design. Once the proposed design is accepted; we carry out the implementation of design at site.
Our main aim is to develop a strong relationship with our customers and with our best of services we always keep working towards strengthening and nurturing the relationship. Our company’s philosophy of offering complete ‘customer satisfaction’ is clearly stated in our policies.
Creative Landscape designs and builds gardens for households, private properties, and commercial establishments. We are a one-stop service provider. Our capabilities include turnkey jobs of any size and even include maintenance of your garden. Our job is transformation, of your property to a garden, and not just a garden but one that breathes inspiration.
The creation of landscape should focus on both the concept and the user. One without the other is meaningless. Our work is focused on creating landscapes that speak, and can be enjoyed by many more diverse users. Creative Landscape designs and builds gardens for households, private properties, and commercial establishments. We are a one-stop service provider. Our capabilities include turnkey jobs of any size and even include maintenance of your garden. Our job is transformation, of your property to a garden, and not just a garden but one that breathes inspiration.